Thursday, February 14, 2008

Easy and satisfying lunch smoothie


Blend, in blender:

6 oz. carrot juice (fresh, bottled, from grocery store)

1/2 cup fresh spinach leaves., or 2 Swiss Chard leaves

1 stalk celery, cut in pieces

1/2 small, raw apple, cut in pieces

2 1-oz scoops of micro-filtered whey powder

1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

Side dish: 2 sesame seed crackers spread with 1 tsp. peanut, almond, or cashew butter.

For dessert: 2 slices of candied dried ginger, served with hot or chilled herb tea.

This meal will not stimulate an insulin rush, followed by hunger and snacking on and off throughout the afternoon, because it provides to the body a good portion of a complete protein, some carbohydrate, and a small amount of fat to keep you from getting hungry. You will not need to snack. The raw vegetables and fruit provide needed vitamins and micronutrients.

Lunch at home for many women can be the least nutritious meal of the day - like 2 slices of bread with a slice of cheese or ham between, or both, a Coke, and a piece of pie or cake. Or it may be just a piece of pie or cake with a Coke. This meal stimulates an insulin rush. In an hour or two you will be hungry and you will start snacking throughout the afternoon, and you won't be getting slimmer!

For more information about whey powder please go to my Resource Box.

Vaughn Early

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