Sunday, November 4, 2007



Saturated fats, unsaturated fats, trans-fats, and rancid fats - are you confused? Fat free, moderate fats, solid fats, oily fats, butter, margarine, cream, milk. -- what is good for you?

Finally, after years of discussion, the trans-fats , which are the very bad fats, are being removed from packaged foods and from restaurants. BUT, are they being replaced, as I heard on the news, by fats that are almost as bad --soy oil, an Omega 6 oil? You need to wear your reading glasses to the grocery store. You will be surprised to find soy oil and soy protein in many if not most packaged foods. That is because it is a very inexpensive oil that quietly has found its way into many, many foods. Another big problem is that vegetable oils, which should be refrigerated, when they have been opened, sit for months on pantry shelves gradually turning rancid.

70 years ago, The Omega 3 oils and the Omega 6 oils were at a 1 to 1 ratio. The Omega 3 oils come from fish oils and flaxseed oil, and the Omega 6 oils come from seed oils. Omega 3's are called essential fatty acids. They are essential to good health, and are anti-inflammatory. Doctors now are recommending them for all who want to be healthy.

But the Omega 6 fatty acids cause inflammation and now that they are being used more and more in foods, they are causing many illnesses. Unfortunately, the public, in general, is uninformed about the Omega 3's and the Omega 6's. The Omega 9's are found in avocado and certain safflower oils.

Butter and margarine will be discussed in my next articles. Any fat that is solid at room temperature is suspect to being a trans-fat. Butter is not a trans-fat, nor is lard, but shortening that is used in baking is. Any oil can become rancid when exposed to air and is not refrigerated. It tastes bad and is loaded with free radicals. Oils that are used over and over again in deep fat frying are full of free radicals,. "Fries" are reputed to be the most commonly ordered vegetable. Does anyone worry about the fat they are cooked in?

Butter is back on the table again. It is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams, compared to 5 grams for margarine. It should be used sparingly. It does increase the absorption of many nutrients in other foods, and it enhances the flavor of foods. Butter has been used for centuries whereas margarine has been around for less than 100 years.

Butter must be kept refrigerated to prevent rancidity.

To learn more about Omega 3 and 6 oils, access my site below.



Vaughn Early

fats that heal


Are you eating the right fats? The good ones are the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) They are called essential because your body does not make EFA's and they must be supplied in the diet. EFA's are critical for good health and without them your body cannot be healthy. They are important for heart and cardiovascular health, for neurological health, for joint health and fighting inflammation, for eye health, and for weight management. The Omega 3's come primarily from fish oils.

The Omega 6 EFA's are the fats from pressed seed oils like soy, corn, cottonseed, that, when they are out of balance and are can promote disease. The Omega 3's and the Omega 6's, until the last 100 years were in a ratio of 1 to 1. But with the commercialization of our foods, the ratio is now 1 to 10, 1 to 20, and up to 1 to 50 in favor of Omega 6's. When they are out of balance like this, the result is all kinds of mental, neurological and physical illnesses.

The average American diet is exceptionally high in Omega 6 EFA's, and it is very low in the health benefiting Omega 3's, and even lower in the most important components of the Omega 3's, DHA and EPA.

Unfortunately, unless people are convinced of the importance to their health of daily ingestion of fish oils they may stop taking them because they are turned off by the taste and odor and the oily consistency. Many fish oils turn rancid quickly. Rancid oils can be hidden inside of softgels and capsules, only to be discovered when the person starts burping up rancid fish oil. I had that happen to me 25 years ago, and I stopped taking Omega 3's. I did not know then how important they were to my health.

Fish oils that are not rancid when ingested can turn rancid in the body. To prevent this from happening it is important to take a high potency liquid antioxidant product along with the oil to prevent it from becoming rancid which is bad because it releases free radicals into the body.

Highly concentrated fish oil in softgels from reputable companies are available. After swallowing it you should not experience burping up of fish; in fact, you should be able to chew the softgel and not experience an unpleasant taste. This is probably the most important food supplement for your health you will take, and it must be taken in sufficient quantity twice a day and consistently. It is as important as food.

The American Heart Association has recommended that all adults and children should supplement with at least 1000 mg. of Omega 3's a day in the form of EPA and DHA. Many products claim they provide a lot of Omega 3's, but the question you should ask is: "How much EPA and DHA is in them?"

For more information about Omega 3 products, go now to my Resource Box.

My next article will discuss oils and fats that are not Omega 3 and 6.

Vaughn Early

to contact me

fat belly


The number of men and women walking around with abnormally large bellies is increasing at an alarming rate. It sometimes is called "beer belly" but more and more of them are from other causes. Not only is fat belly disfiguring, but it is also life-shortening. The fast food industry can be blamed for much of this -- satisfying a person's hunger by serving a piece of meat inside a large bun ( made from white flour), and accompanied by a side dish of French fries and a large soda or Coke (containing high fructose corn syrup), and a dessert of pie or ice cream. All in all, it is a very high calorie meal with very little nutritional value except for some protein in the meat. It is severely lacking in vitamin and mineral content.

One's body can handle only a limited amount of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates stimulate the pancreas to secret insulin into the blood to take care of the sugar by turning it into adipose (fatty) tissue which tends to settle in the midsection of the body, and it is the most difficult fat to get rid of, giving rise to the fat belly.

Another factor that enters into our seeing more than normal numbers of fat bellies is that we do not cook at home as much as we used to. For a meal, instead of food with high vitamin and mineral content we reach for the bread to make quick sandwiches, or we cook spaghetti. Or we put some potatoes into the microwave, and we eat cake or pie or ice cream for dessert. And we serve soft drinks for the beverage. None of it is very nutritious. I forgot to mention the bagel or doughnut we had for breakfast.

Food should be chosen to rebuild and regenerate the billions of cells that need replacing every day. Cells need a constant supply of minerals and vitamins and protein to do their work. The American Medical Association has told us that the soils where our food is grown are depleted of minerals, so everyone should be taking a vitamin-mineral pill every day to supply the body with essential micronutrients. If we eat nutrient depleted food the big belly will just get bigger.. The vitamin-mineral supplements that are sold most places, are manufactured with the "bottom line" in mind. They often are covered with a coating to keep them from breaking down in the containers in which they are sold, and they more often than not do not dissolve in the digestive tract. Tons of them are found whole in sewage systems. They solve no problems for the big belly.

It would be better to use an all -in -one liquid nutritional supplement that has everything in it that the body needs.- where the particles are broken down into angstrom size giving them access into the blood stream and into the cells of the body in seconds for 98% absorption without having to be digested by the GI tract. For more information on where you can get this type of nutrient, click on the link below.

Vaughn Early



It takes brains now to make wise food decisions for yourself and your family. You'd better take your eye glasses or a magnifying glass to the food market to read labels on the prepared foods that you buy. Big business has taken over the food supply. Without much fanfare or notice, soy oil and soy products are in most prepared foods that you buy. They are not there for your health -- they are there because they are cheap. Soy oil is an Omega 6 oil, and it is in so many commercially produced foods that it contributes strongly to disease. 90% of soy in this country is produced by Monsanto and most of it is genetically modified. This has changed soy to a protein and oil that may have adverse effects on the body. I grew up in China, years ago, when soybean sprouts and soy tofu were about the best protein that the average Chinese could afford and they survived on that in addition to rice and bread and a few vegetables like cabbage and celery. Chicken and pork were treats. A fat Chinese person was a rare sight.

Omega 6 oils, when they are out of balance, contribute to heart disease, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, neurological diseases like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer, depression, postpartum depression, ADHD, eye diseases, behavior problems, and violent behavior.

Our concepts about good and bad fats and oils have changed considerably in the past 60 years. From the beginning of time animal fat has been an important part of man's food, starting with his eating of raw animal flesh. His vegetable fats came from eating raw vegetables and nuts. Today we get in our diet 3 times the amount of vegetable fat and only 50% of the animal fat that was consumed by early man. I can remember the days when we worried most about saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats came from meat, milk and butter, and unsaturated fats came from vegetable oils. Coronary heart disease was a fairly new disease back in the 1930's. Saturated fats were then blamed for coronaries, and margarine was substituted for butter. Margarine was a new kind of fat, but it was man made. I remember when it was first white, and it looked like lard. Then a food coloring was added to make it look more like butter. It was a hydrogenated fat, which is now called a trans-fat. And trans-fats are being removed from restaurants and packaged foods, because they are clogging the arteries of those who eat them. Be watchful now to see if soy oil is not substituted for the transfats. In spite of all that man has done supposedly to make food more heart healthy, heart disease is still the #1 killer.

Margarine tripled the risk of coronary heart disease, and increased total cholesterol and LDL, lowered HDL (the good cholesterol), increased the cancer risk by five fold, decreased the immune response and insulin response, and margarine is only one molecule away from being PLASTIC. And we obediently ate the stuff for years, and many institutions and people are still eating margarine because it is cheap, or they are poorly informed..

Gradually we are going back to natural foods and normal eating. Do you remember the Fat Free Diet? It supposedly was good for losing weight, for diabetics, and for people with heart disease. People could not stick to it because they stayed hungry. From the beginning of time, fats have been an essential food. The fats and oils that you eat are made a part of the membrane of each cell in your body. In order for the cells to function properly, you must provide them with high quality fats and oils, not man made fats.

For cooking, do not use vegetable oils in plastic bottles, nonrefrigerated cooking oils, soy oils and other cheap cooking oils, margarine, and shortening -- since they contain trans-fats and large amounts of Omega 6 oils and will lead you on the road to disease. Instead, use a good virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil, or butter, or Omega 9 oil.

To be healthy you need to increase the Omega 3 fatty acids, decrease the Omega 6's so that they are in a 1 to 1 ratio to the Omega 3's, use monounsaturated oils as in olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil and certain safflower oils, and nuts and their oils. Butter in small amounts is acceptable again, as are bacon and lard.

What about no-fat salad dressings? Don't use them. Many of the most potent cancer-fighting nutrients in vegetables and fruits cannot be absorbed well without some fat accompanying them - specifically carotenoids and lycopene. You will be unable to absorb many of the nutrients in the salad without the fat, so you are wasting your time making fancy salads that cannot be absorbed properly. You will have a hard time finding salad dressings that do not contain soy oil, so make your own salad dressings, using good ingredients. Use small amounts of olive oil or nut oils or butter on your cooked vegetables so that the fat-soluble nutrients won't go unabsorbed. One good salad oil is Omega 3-6-9, and a good cooking oil is an Omega 9 oil which has been called "Queen of All Oils". It contains avocado and safflower oils.

For more information go now to my Resource Box.

Vaughn Early



vaughn early

Heart Health


The Omega 3 fish oils are the hottest topic now in health and nutrition. They are also known as the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's). They are critical for your good health and especially for your heart, but your body cannot make the EFA's. They must be added to your diet and taken regularly. They are so important to your heart health that the American Heart Association states that all Americans (adult and children) should supplement their diet daily with at least 1000mg of Omega 3's in the form of EDA and DHA. Many products tout a lot of Omega 3's, but the question is how much EPA and DHA do they have? The less expensive ones are noticeably lower.

When very soon you feel better, such as less aching in your joints, or improved mood, or improved heart function, you may be tempted to think that if a little is good, a lot would give quicker results. Do not go over 4,000mg a day. As you are aware, fish spoils quickly.

Even good oils can turn rancid in your body. To prevent this, you need to take, along with the Omega 3's, a good liquid anti-oxidant to prevent rancidity, because rancidity creates its own problems. Compliance has been a big problem with fish oils, especially when they are taken as an oil, because most people do not like the texture or the fishy taste. Even when the oil is in softgels, which are easier to take, if the oil is rancid inside you could be burping fish oil for several hours. People will not continue on with that. It is important to buy your EFA's from a good company that guarantees freshness, freedom from chemical contaminants, and no burping of fish. You should be able to chew a softgel in your mouth and get no fishy aftertaste. And it is available from good companies at about half of the price charged by the pharmaceutical companies for the same potency.

You will be amazed, when you make this health choice and keep taking the oil, at how much your health problems will improve, such as: inflammation of your joints, heart problems diminish, eye health improves, neurological problems improve, depression decreases, and your weight stabilizes. And you don't even have to take a drug!

For more information go now to my Resource Box.

Vaughn Early

vaughn early

Vitamins (whole) in Your Toilet


Wonder why your nutritional supplements don't make you feel any better? And didn't you spend a lot of money on them? The labels look good. Have you heard about the problems that the Sanitation Department confronts regularly as they clean out piles of vitamin pills that have their same bright coating and shape, and often the name of the manufacturer is visible, just like you saw it on your TV. There are a few good vitamin manufacturers, but most are more interested in shelf life than in your health. Since the early 1900's, most drugs are no longer made from plants but from man-made synthesized chemicals. Vitamin and mineral manufacturers have been doing the same thing, making their supplements from man-made chemicals, and sometimes worse. Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin) pills are made from activated sewage sludge (that sounds organic, doesn't it!). Minerals can come from powdered rocks, ground bones, powdered metals, and ground oyster shells. (I wonder how much energy they contain.) What seems to be important to the manufacturers is the numbers in grams or milligrams of the ingredients for the labels. Then the ingredients are mixed with chemicals so they will stick together, and then they are coated, and spray coated so they will pass through the machines more easily and have a long shelf life. The biggest problem, however, is that they cannot be broken down in the stomach for assimilation into the blood, and most of them pass through the intestinal tract whole. So the good money that was spent for them has been wasted.

So, you have a choice: go on spending money for ineffective supplements and continue on the downward trend with your health falling apart, or look for a liquid nutraceutical product that has all the vitamins and minerals you need, that's made from natural sources, that has antioxidants with the highest ORAC rating (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) - 3200 per ounce. You don't have to wait weeks or months to feel a difference - you will feel it right away because it is assimilated immediately without having to be digested. It contains formulas for heart health, immune health, joint health, and healthy cell regeneration. There are no GMO's, no MSG, no irradiation, no unnatural preservatives, no hydrogenated ingredients, no colors or dyes, no meat products. And it is in your cells in seconds. That is why you feel it right away. And it is produced in an FDA inspected facility.

For more information, go now to my Resource Box.

Vaughn Early



vaughn early

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov. 1 Blog

Nov. 1,2007 It seems hardly possible that Christmas is next month! I have just lived through a week of the big fires in S. California. We had fires on all sides of us 12 to 20 miles away, but the city where I live was one of two in San Diego County that did not have any fires, but we had plenty of smoke and bad air. God was very good to us and we are most thankful. The big cloud moved out over the ocean and the air cleared somewhat, but a day later the wind changed and blew it all back again, and it was even worse for a day or two. Now we are almost back to normal.

This fire experience, watching and listening to tragedies caused by the fires and people having to evacuate their homes, revived memories of my family's big evacuation from our home in China in 1927 when there was civil war and all the "foreigners" had to get out. It took us 10 days to travel a distance of about 500 miles by a sailing houseboat first up the river to a train. All passenger service had been cancelled so after 40 hours of waiting we were able to get on a troop train where we were surrounded by hostile soldiers. I still feel the terror I experienced when a soldier put the point of his bayonet up to my father's chest. But my father, who was a doctor, was calm and the incident passed. But he sat up all night with a candle for light, guarding us from harm. Those were the days! We came back to America for a year for Mother to give birth to her fifth child. I wonder now how she endured so calmly the hardships of that trip. We lost everything.

I have been busy learning the internet way to do MLM, getting instructions by conference calls and Emails. Charlie Page has an excellent system for interesting people in the business. I have been writing short articles for Ezines, and will print some of them here.


The Omega 3 fish oils are the hottest topic now in health and nutrition. They are also known as the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's). They are critical for your good health and especially for your heart, but your body cannot make the EFA's. They must be added to your diet and taken regularly. They are so important to your heart health that the American Heart Association states that all Americans (adult and children) should supplement their diet daily with at least 1000mg of Omega 3's in the form of EDA and DHA. Many products tout a lot of Omega 3's, but the question is how much EPA and DHA do they have? The less expensive ones are noticeably lower.

When very soon you feel better, such as less aching in your joints, or improved mood, or improved heart function, you may be tempted to think that if a little is good, a lot would give quicker results. Do not go over 4,000mg a day. As you are aware, fish spoils quickly.

Even good oils can turn rancid in your body. To prevent this, you need to take, along with the Omega 3's, a good liquid anti-oxidant to prevent rancidity, because rancidity creates its own problems. Compliance has been a big problem with fish oils, especially when they are taken as an oil, because most people do not like the texture or the fishy taste. Even when the oil is in softgels, which are easier to take, if the oil is rancid inside you could be burping fish oil for several hours. People will not continue on with that. It is important to buy your EFA's from a good company that guarantees freshness, freedom from chemical contaminants, and no burping of fish. You should be able to chew a softgel in your mouth and get no fishy aftertaste. And it is available from good companies at about half of the price charged by the pharmaceutical companies for the same potency.

You will be amazed, when you make this health choice and keep taking the oil, at how much your health problems will improve, such as: inflammation of your joints, heart problems diminish, eye health improves, neurological problems improve, depression decreases, and your weight stabilizes. And you don't even have to take a drug!

For more information go now to my Resource Box.

Vaughn Early

contact me at:

or at:
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Retired RN now doing great in MLM!

I am a retired RN, widowed, and a grandmother, who has been involved in many MLM companies since 1972. I was lucky if I made enough money to pay for my products from the MLM. But the income tax deductions for the MLM businesses were good as long as I was active in nursing. We lived in N. Carolina and Florida, and I've been in S. California now for 9 years.

Finally, and after many years of network marketing, about 18 months ago I joined my present company which has the ultimate in good and effective products and a sound marketing plan, and trustworthy leadership. I had more energy taking the product than I had had for years. After 10 months with this company my income was twice my social security check. My problem, though, is I had used up my warm market, and I don't meet many people because I do not drive. My business is all on the phone. I have made many friends over the phone - that's my social life. I was almost resigned to the fact that I was going to have to try cold calling leads to build up my prospects.

Then, about a month ago, I received an Email about a new system for finding prospects without cold calling and which promises income at the front and back ends to keep building up my network marketing company using the internet instead. This was much more pleasing to me and more profitable.
For more information about this powerful system use my contact info, below.


My Email: