Sunday, November 4, 2007



It takes brains now to make wise food decisions for yourself and your family. You'd better take your eye glasses or a magnifying glass to the food market to read labels on the prepared foods that you buy. Big business has taken over the food supply. Without much fanfare or notice, soy oil and soy products are in most prepared foods that you buy. They are not there for your health -- they are there because they are cheap. Soy oil is an Omega 6 oil, and it is in so many commercially produced foods that it contributes strongly to disease. 90% of soy in this country is produced by Monsanto and most of it is genetically modified. This has changed soy to a protein and oil that may have adverse effects on the body. I grew up in China, years ago, when soybean sprouts and soy tofu were about the best protein that the average Chinese could afford and they survived on that in addition to rice and bread and a few vegetables like cabbage and celery. Chicken and pork were treats. A fat Chinese person was a rare sight.

Omega 6 oils, when they are out of balance, contribute to heart disease, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, neurological diseases like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer, depression, postpartum depression, ADHD, eye diseases, behavior problems, and violent behavior.

Our concepts about good and bad fats and oils have changed considerably in the past 60 years. From the beginning of time animal fat has been an important part of man's food, starting with his eating of raw animal flesh. His vegetable fats came from eating raw vegetables and nuts. Today we get in our diet 3 times the amount of vegetable fat and only 50% of the animal fat that was consumed by early man. I can remember the days when we worried most about saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats came from meat, milk and butter, and unsaturated fats came from vegetable oils. Coronary heart disease was a fairly new disease back in the 1930's. Saturated fats were then blamed for coronaries, and margarine was substituted for butter. Margarine was a new kind of fat, but it was man made. I remember when it was first white, and it looked like lard. Then a food coloring was added to make it look more like butter. It was a hydrogenated fat, which is now called a trans-fat. And trans-fats are being removed from restaurants and packaged foods, because they are clogging the arteries of those who eat them. Be watchful now to see if soy oil is not substituted for the transfats. In spite of all that man has done supposedly to make food more heart healthy, heart disease is still the #1 killer.

Margarine tripled the risk of coronary heart disease, and increased total cholesterol and LDL, lowered HDL (the good cholesterol), increased the cancer risk by five fold, decreased the immune response and insulin response, and margarine is only one molecule away from being PLASTIC. And we obediently ate the stuff for years, and many institutions and people are still eating margarine because it is cheap, or they are poorly informed..

Gradually we are going back to natural foods and normal eating. Do you remember the Fat Free Diet? It supposedly was good for losing weight, for diabetics, and for people with heart disease. People could not stick to it because they stayed hungry. From the beginning of time, fats have been an essential food. The fats and oils that you eat are made a part of the membrane of each cell in your body. In order for the cells to function properly, you must provide them with high quality fats and oils, not man made fats.

For cooking, do not use vegetable oils in plastic bottles, nonrefrigerated cooking oils, soy oils and other cheap cooking oils, margarine, and shortening -- since they contain trans-fats and large amounts of Omega 6 oils and will lead you on the road to disease. Instead, use a good virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil, or butter, or Omega 9 oil.

To be healthy you need to increase the Omega 3 fatty acids, decrease the Omega 6's so that they are in a 1 to 1 ratio to the Omega 3's, use monounsaturated oils as in olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil and certain safflower oils, and nuts and their oils. Butter in small amounts is acceptable again, as are bacon and lard.

What about no-fat salad dressings? Don't use them. Many of the most potent cancer-fighting nutrients in vegetables and fruits cannot be absorbed well without some fat accompanying them - specifically carotenoids and lycopene. You will be unable to absorb many of the nutrients in the salad without the fat, so you are wasting your time making fancy salads that cannot be absorbed properly. You will have a hard time finding salad dressings that do not contain soy oil, so make your own salad dressings, using good ingredients. Use small amounts of olive oil or nut oils or butter on your cooked vegetables so that the fat-soluble nutrients won't go unabsorbed. One good salad oil is Omega 3-6-9, and a good cooking oil is an Omega 9 oil which has been called "Queen of All Oils". It contains avocado and safflower oils.

For more information go now to my Resource Box.

Vaughn Early



vaughn early

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