Are you eating the right fats? The good ones are the Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) They are called essential because your body does not make EFA's and they must be supplied in the diet. EFA's are critical for good health and without them your body cannot be healthy. They are important for heart and cardiovascular health, for neurological health, for joint health and fighting inflammation, for eye health, and for weight management. The Omega 3's come primarily from fish oils.
The Omega 6 EFA's are the fats from pressed seed oils like soy, corn, cottonseed, that, when they are out of balance and are can promote disease. The Omega 3's and the Omega 6's, until the last 100 years were in a ratio of 1 to 1. But with the commercialization of our foods, the ratio is now 1 to 10, 1 to 20, and up to 1 to 50 in favor of Omega 6's. When they are out of balance like this, the result is all kinds of mental, neurological and physical illnesses.
The average American diet is exceptionally high in Omega 6 EFA's, and it is very low in the health benefiting Omega 3's, and even lower in the most important components of the Omega 3's, DHA and EPA.
Unfortunately, unless people are convinced of the importance to their health of daily ingestion of fish oils they may stop taking them because they are turned off by the taste and odor and the oily consistency. Many fish oils turn rancid quickly. Rancid oils can be hidden inside of softgels and capsules, only to be discovered when the person starts burping up rancid fish oil. I had that happen to me 25 years ago, and I stopped taking Omega 3's. I did not know then how important they were to my health.
Fish oils that are not rancid when ingested can turn rancid in the body. To prevent this from happening it is important to take a high potency liquid antioxidant product along with the oil to prevent it from becoming rancid which is bad because it releases free radicals into the body.
Highly concentrated fish oil in softgels from reputable companies are available. After swallowing it you should not experience burping up of fish; in fact, you should be able to chew the softgel and not experience an unpleasant taste. This is probably the most important food supplement for your health you will take, and it must be taken in sufficient quantity twice a day and consistently. It is as important as food.
The American Heart Association has recommended that all adults and children should supplement with at least 1000 mg. of Omega 3's a day in the form of EPA and DHA. Many products claim they provide a lot of Omega 3's, but the question you should ask is: "How much EPA and DHA is in them?"
For more information about Omega 3 products, go now to my Resource Box.
My next article will discuss oils and fats that are not Omega 3 and 6.
Vaughn Early
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